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The Advantages of Structured Employee Development and Training

Throughout the recruitment process, most companies focus on attracting the candidates who already possess the skills and capabilities they require, rarely investing in further development due to seemingly high costs and insufficient time. However, employee training is actually crucial to the performance of a business. Not only does training allow your employees to enhance their current knowledge and skills, but it also enables them to stay on top of evolving technologies and develop the necessary capabilities for future-proofing your business. Employee development and training are key to success, and here are just some of the many advantages you can experience if you prioritize this aspect:

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How to Improve Human Capital Management

Employees are not just cogs in the organizational machine when it comes to improving human capital management. Instead, they are individuals with different goals, preferences, and personalities. Therefore, you must understand each employee's motivation, communication, and work preferences as a manager. For example, while some people may benefit from frequent check-ins and email communication, others may prefer face-to-face communication. Here are a few tips for improving human capital management:

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How To Boost Your Employee Experience To A Better Customer Experience

Businesses around the globe now know the importance of customer experience in customer retention and brand loyalty. So companies are currently working towards creating a customer experience that makes their clientele want more. But did you know that an essential factor in your customer experience is your employee experience? 

There's a saying around the business world: take care of your employees, and they will take care of your customers. This statement is quite true. The way you treat your employees will affect the customer experience. So if your employee experience is lacking, you can see that lack reflected in your customer experience. The people who manage customer marketing can see this trend once they have connected that happy employees make for satisfied customers. 
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Ways to Boost Productivity and Well-Being in the Modern Workplace

One of the most important and often overlooked aspects of a successful business is employee productivity. While many factors contribute to a productive workforce, workplace well-being is a key piece of the puzzle. A happy and healthy employee is more likely to be productive and engaged in their work, which will, in turn, contribute to the success of your business.

In today's fast-paced and constantly connected world, it can be difficult to find time to focus on our productivity and well-being. However, there are some simple steps we can take to boost both in the modern workplace.


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5 Important Things to Consider Before Hiring a New Employee

Hiring a new employee is a big decision. After all, this person will be responsible for representing your company and its values to the outside world. Therefore, it's critical to take the time to find someone who is the right fit for the job. You'll want to ensure you're hiring someone hardworking, honest, and reliable. 

Here are five important things to consider before hiring a new employee: 

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5 Ways to Promote Self-Care Among Your Staff

The importance of self-care is often overlooked in places of employment. With everyone so busy these days, everyone is in a constant state of stress, which can be terrible for mental and physical health. This can be bad for business, too! Employees who feel stressed, frustrated, and overworked might not be as productive or feel inclined to use their full potential. Fortunately, business owners like you have a lot of influence over staff’s wellbeing. Check out the following tips from Insightlink to create a culture of self-care in your workplace!

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The Importance of Uptraining Opportunities for Employees

There's nothing more important to an employee's job satisfaction than feeling like they can grow and advance their career while working for a company. When employees feel like they have opportunities to learn and improve, they are much happier and more productive. This is why providing training opportunities for employees is so important. 

In this article, we'll discuss why uptraining opportunities are so significant for employees and how you can use them to acquire and retain top talent.
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Useful Tips on How to Make Work Easier For Your Employees

There are many different aspects you can improve when attempting to take good care of your employees, but making efforts to reduce and enhance their work is arguably the most important factor. Of course, this doesn’t mean oversimplifying roles, but rather ensuring your employees have all the resources necessary for performing their job optimally, in an effort to increase productivity, efficiency, and job satisfaction. Here are some simple yet effective ways you can achieve just that:

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How Engagement in the Workplace Can Be Improved by Using Video

Employee engagement is critical for any business. It is "the number of employees who are emotionally and behaviorally connected to their work and their organization." In other words, it's how happy employees are with their job and their company. If your employees aren't engaged, they're not able to be productive, and that's problematic for the business. But how can you improve employee engagement? 

There are many ways to improve employee engagement, but videos are one of the most powerful tools for engaging employees. Videos are the most engaging form of content on social media today. They're growing in popularity among people who want to watch videos away from their computers or phones. If you want to boost employee engagement in your company, incorporate video into your strategy.
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Prioritizing Positive Reinforcement: Ethical Implementation of Rewarding Your Employees

Employees work hard day in and day out. When they contribute quality work, a reward can act as positive reinforcement for their productivity and engagement. On the other hand, when paychecks are the only result of their best efforts, their work can begin to stagnate as inspiration fades away.
Every employee needs the motivation to put their all into their team. From giving gifts to booking trips, the incentives that HR teams provide are tokens of your company's appreciation — rewards that employees can constantly work toward.
However, positive reinforcement must be organized to work. Without set guidelines, your HR team can easily slip into unethical gift-giving practices, which can demotivate employees instead of inspiring them. In this article, we’ll suggest four ways you can give employees rewards, explain how to properly implement each idea, and explore how they can benefit your team.
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Insightlink Communications are experts in employee survey design, data collection and analysis. Since 2001 we've helped companies of all sizes measure and improve their employee satisfaction and engagement.

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