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How To Keep Office-Based Employees Happy & Motivated

With staff returning to work after the pandemic, it’s time to consider ways to make the transition go as smoothly as possible. That’s why in this article, we’ll explore: 

  • Easy ways to improve the office environment
  • How to boost internal communications
  • The importance of providing individual support 
From reducing staff absences to boosting morale, keep reading as we’ll show you how to supercharge employee well-being in no time at all…
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6 Ways Your Office Impacts the Well-Being of Your Employees

The goal of any company aiming for success is to keep its workforce happy, efficient, and engaged. However, all the efforts made in this regard need to be laid on some foundation, and failing to cover these basics will seriously undermine all other strategies you are trying to use.
That brings us to the state of the office space that, for all intents and purposes, represents one of these critical factors you must handle before proceeding to other measures.
For instance, according to a recent survey, 87% of workers would like it if their current employers invested in healthier workspace benefits many of them seeing this perk as a reason to stay in the company longer. Let us take a look then at how exactly the workspace environment impacts employee well-being so you can leverage these insights to the benefit of your company.
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Fun Team Building Ideas For The Workplace

Team building is a hard thing to accomplish. Ever since school days, team-building exercises have been seen as a potentially stressful activity that widens gaps between people, instead of helping them. However, that is the result of team-building exercises not suited for the people involved. 

Mandatory HR events are no fun as an adult, especially for folks who just want to get work done. That’s why it’s important to pick team-building activities that actually fit your team. Most importantly, they should not feel forced into doing anything they do not want to do. Always frame these ideas in such a way that it will be beneficial for them to participate.

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Ways to Boost Productivity and Well-Being in the Modern Workplace

One of the most important and often overlooked aspects of a successful business is employee productivity. While many factors contribute to a productive workforce, workplace well-being is a key piece of the puzzle. A happy and healthy employee is more likely to be productive and engaged in their work, which will, in turn, contribute to the success of your business.

In today's fast-paced and constantly connected world, it can be difficult to find time to focus on our productivity and well-being. However, there are some simple steps we can take to boost both in the modern workplace.


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Trends and Tips for Improving Employee Satisfaction in 2022

As times change and human rights are more important than ever, employee satisfaction is something that every business owner should keep in mind at all times. While diversity, minority, inclusion, and single parent rights are in the papers all the time and while the internet is flooded with news of unsatisfied employees, no mistakes should ever be made.

If you are on your way to gaining success with your new or long-time existing company, your team should feel motivated, valued, and praised for their good work. They should also know that their workplace is comfortable and respectful of all their needs. This will, of course, lead to a huge growth of your reputation as an employer.
So, here are a few tips on how to keep all of your employees satisfied and happy in 2022, in order to boost productivity and your overall image.
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The Secrets of Great Teamwork

Experts argue that a successful approach to team building requires taking an honest look at the current practice within organizations, as well as taking into consideration what organisations have done in the past and what they are doing today. Therefore, team building can be much more than just about creating more workable relationships. It is essential to understand the dynamics of motivation within a team and how this relates to overall team performance. These concepts provide a valuable framework for understanding the motivational processes involved in team building.

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Addressing Vulnerability With Your Employees: How to Motivate Your Team to be Productive & Happy During the COVID-19 Pandemic

I worked from home long before the pandemic hit. Though my reasons for doing so have gone from a thing of convenience to a thing of necessity, my pre-COVID work ethic and productivity haven’t changed all that much since the initial shutdowns last March. Not only am I a freelance writer, but I also write on behalf of a busy bankruptcy attorney in Philadelphia. Before the pandemic, that was an in-person arrangement. I would go into the office every other workday, and I’d work from home on my freelance projects on the off days.

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Impostor Syndrome and How it Affects Employee Engagement

With an estimated global 70% experiencing impostor syndrome at some point in life according to The Journal of Behavioral Science, the persistent feeling that you’re not as good in your career as other people think you are has nothing to do with skill level or competence, but the impossibly high standards you’ve set for yourself.

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The Google Way of Motivating Employees

Getting a job at Google is a daunting goal. Harder to get into than Harvard, Google receives 3 million applications a year and hires 7,000, less than 1% of applicants get hired! Besides being a multi-national company, it also has the distinction of being one of the top four technology companies in the world. Google also continues to dominate as a Best Places to Work year after year. With almost 100,000 employees how do they do it? 

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Eight Ways to Crush the January Blues in 2019

January can be tough. A combination of debt, cold weather, time since Christmas, low motivation and failed New Year’s resolutions sees the most depressing day of the year fell on 21 January this year. And while we know Blue Monday is just a concept, finding the enthusiasm to power through work after a long holiday can make January seem particularly gloomy.

With more employees looking to climb the career ladder in 2019, manage work-life balance and increase happiness, Insightlink together with Instant Offices give eight simple ways on how to crush the career blues and start January off with some positive changes:


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Insightlink Communications are experts in employee survey design, data collection and analysis. Since 2001 we've helped companies of all sizes measure and improve their employee satisfaction and engagement.

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