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From Burnout to Bliss: Employee Wellness Through Transformation

The welfare of employees has become a critical concern in the fast-paced world of corporate firms. The traditional well-being initiatives, while well-meaning, have not been able to adequately address the growing mental health problems that the modern workforce is facing. Ping-pong tables, gym memberships, and free coffees are great, but they are nothing if you use them merely as a checkbox or as an alternative to investing in your employees' well-being. 

A significant issue that impacts millions of workers globally is workplace burnout. Extended work hours, high standards, and the obligation to consistently provide results might cause us to feel fatigued, detached, and uninspired. To improve performance, your workplace should implement wellness programs for employees to feel a sense of purpose and belonging besides giving special gifts to address employee burnout and enhance well-being. Prioritize corporate culture before material possessions, and listen to people when they need you. Making your employees feel "whole" will enable them to bring their best selves to work.
But how do you get started? In this article, we will provide some tips on how you can transform your employees' wellness from burnout to bliss.
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How to Stay Happy — 9 Habits to Find Your Joy During Tough Times

Are you stuck in a rut? Life can be challenging at times, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be happy. With the right mindset and a few habits, you can find your joy — even in the toughest times. If you follow these 9 simple tips, you have a better chance of staying happy even when life gets you down. 

When life's challenges appear, many think our happiness depends on whatever external event we are hoping for. It's a belief that "When X happens, I'll finally be happy." While it's true that external circumstances can bring us joy, this kind of happiness is often fleeting. Research suggests that happiness is synthetic — it's derived from a conscious choice to create it. However, this isn't something that happens overnight but rather as a result of habits we practice daily.
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Using Self-Care to Improve Employee Productivity

Self-care has become something of a buzzword over the last few years, especially throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. However, it should come as no surprise that it’s become so popular because many believe we’re facing a mental health crisis as a nation. 

In the business world, HR leaders should take a look at self-care at face value. It doesn’t necessarily involve lavish vacations and days at the spa. From a workplace perspective, implementing policies that promote self-care can actually improve overall employee productivity, health, and wellness – things your company culture will benefit from.
With that in mind, let’s take a closer look at the benefits of self-care in the workplace, how to promote it, and how you can keep track of employee productivity.
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Hybrid Work: Project Management in the Future of Offices

While hybrid work has been in existence for the longest time, the recent pandemic and advancement in technology have accelerated its adoption. Many organizations that are embracing this way of work have seen several business benefits. The ability to work when, where and how each individual is most effective has affected productivity and performance positively. Additionally, companies are saving money on office overheads and have access to a global talent pool. However, with some individuals working remotely on some days and in the office on others and another group entirely remote, company and project management is no longer the same. Let’s look at how the hybrid work model has affected the management of projects and companies in general as well as how best to navigate the changes effectively.

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Training HR Teams to Recognize Burnout in Employees

Today’s workers are in the midst of a burnout epidemic. People are working longer hours and covering more tasks than usual due to shortages and demands. Workplace stress is at an all-time high. For some, it’s impossible to be satisfied, so they keep climbing their way to the top of the corporate ladder while ignoring their well-being. 

Burnout is more than just feeling stressed or tired because of work. It’s a serious problem that not only impacts the employees dealing with it, but the businesses allowing it to continue.
As an HR professional, you have a responsibility to recognize the symptoms of burnout and do what you can to put a stop to it in your workplace. The sooner you’re able to see some of those signs, the sooner you can intervene – taking action before the burnout begins to harm that employee’s health.
So, how can HR teams be properly trained to recognize the symptoms of burnout? More importantly, what can you do if you notice one of your employees is struggling? Let’s dig into some of the common signs and symptoms, and how you can create a plan of action to implement company-wide preventative measures.
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Self-Employment: Steps to Take to Become Your Own Boss

As work obligations become more demanding and desirable jobs become more difficult to get, an increasing number of individuals are deciding to become self-employed. Being your own boss, setting your own hours, and making executive decisions yourself are all appealing aspects of this type of work. But self-employment can come with its own challenges as well. It takes plenty of time, focus, dedication, and hard work to reach success on your own. To make this process a bit simpler and increase your chances of triumph, here are some of the most essential steps you should take when becoming self-employed:

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Using Succinct Learning to Build an Effective Remote Team

 The trend of businesses moving to remote or hybrid working models is on the rise, and with it comes the challenge of finding the most productive and efficient ways to develop their teams.

Now that employees have had the freedom of working remotely – and executives have adjusted to the prospect of leading remote teams – it's becoming the "new normal." However, managing people who work remotely is no easy task.
Focusing on employee engagement and development has been essential to building a stable team for many organizations. Increased employee engagement helps employees feel connected to their work and motivated to do their best. Training and development are also crucial for ensuring that your remote workforce has the skills they need to be successful and stay engaged in their work.
However, while these initiatives are essential, they can also be time-consuming and expensive, leaving management teams feeling overwhelmed at building a comprehensive employee development program. 
So what is the answer for organizations operating fully remote or hybrid working teams? The solution may be found in a concept known as "succinct learning."
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5 Ways to Promote Self-Care Among Your Staff

The importance of self-care is often overlooked in places of employment. With everyone so busy these days, everyone is in a constant state of stress, which can be terrible for mental and physical health. This can be bad for business, too! Employees who feel stressed, frustrated, and overworked might not be as productive or feel inclined to use their full potential. Fortunately, business owners like you have a lot of influence over staff’s wellbeing. Check out the following tips from Insightlink to create a culture of self-care in your workplace!

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Workplace Nutrition and Physical Activity in Improving Productivity

Increasing productivity in the workplace and reducing the impact of fatigue involves changing habits. In order to cope with difficulties, numerous changes in habits and lifestyle are constantly required. Nevertheless, the results are worth it. The following are recommendations, including proper nutrition and exercise. All workers should consider them because they will improve health and safety performance and increase productivity.

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3 Micro-Habits That Will Boost Remote Work Productivity

Remote work has been integrating into mainstream work culture for years. But in 2020, we experienced a global lockdown that quickly shifted millions of workers out of the office and into their homes.

While the initial shock that came with this massive shift may have subsided, many remote workers are still learning how to adjust to this new way of life. Monitoring a work schedule is more challenging when doing it alone. Many remote workers are finding it difficult to operate as they did before the Covid-19 pandemic.
Not only are global stress levels much higher than they were pre-pandemic, but adapting to the switch from a busy office to an isolated desk is a challenge remote workers are still struggling to overcome.
Fortunately, remote workers can implement numerous useful tips and tricks to create an efficient and productive work environment from home. One of them is the adoption of healthy micro-habits.
Let’s find out why these habits are important and how they can help us.
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Insightlink Communications are experts in employee survey design, data collection and analysis. Since 2001 we've helped companies of all sizes measure and improve their employee satisfaction and engagement.

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