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Why You Should Never Mix Scales in Your Employee Survey

Mixing scales in a survey refers to using different types of response scales (e.g., Likert scales, semantic differential scales, numeric scales) for different questions within the same survey. While it might seem like a small detail, this practice can actually introduce biases and inaccuracies into the survey results. Here's why mixing scales in a survey is considered a mistake:


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What is an Employee Survey? Are They Important in 2023?

Employee surveys have long been a valuable tool for organizations to gauge the satisfaction, engagement, and overall experience of their workforce. By gathering feedback directly from employees, organizations can gain valuable insights into various aspects of their workplace, such as leadership effectiveness, organizational culture, job satisfaction, and opportunities for improvement. As we delve into 2023, it is essential to assess the significance of employee surveys and their continued relevance in shaping the modern workplace. Therefore, here are a few reasons that will help you learn more about this idea, as well as several cool strategies that should help you conduct more effective employee surveys.

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Insightlink Communications Celebrates 22 Years of Excellence in Employee Engagement Survey Research

On this May 1st, AKA Workers' Day or International Workers' Day, we are pleased to announce our 22nd anniversary. Founded in 2001, Insightlink has been committed to helping organizations improve their employee engagement and satisfaction through the use of comprehensive survey research and analysis.

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The Importance of Anonymity in Employee Surveys

Employee surveys are a valuable tool for organizations to collect feedback, measure engagement, and identify areas of improvement. However, for employee surveys to be effective, they need to be designed and conducted in a way that ensures anonymity and confidentiality of the respondents. Anonymity means that the survey results cannot be traced back to individual employees. Confidentiality means that the survey results are only shared with authorized people and used for the intended purposes. Both anonymity and confidentiality are essential for creating a safe and trusting environment for employees to share their honest opinions and experiences.

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7 Benefits of Survey Tools for Employee Assessment

 =The world of work as we know it is changing. People now want more work-life balance, and companies are shifting to remote or hybrid work setups. Businesses and leaders look for ways to improve people management as work evolves.

One tool that’s low-effort and high-impact is survey software. If you’re wondering, “are employee surveys effective?” This article will share several benefits of employee engagement surveys that will convince you that it’s not just effective. It’s highly recommended.
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Employee Engagement: The Top 10 Strategies for 2022

Employee engagement is an critically important matter for most companies, yet not enough HR departments realize its potential for business success. If your employees are engaged, they are more satisfied with their jobs, more productive, and more loyal to you. It stands to reason, then, that they will treat your customers better and that will impact your bottom line. 

Additionally, by increasing employee engagement, you can reduce absenteeism and increase employee retention. With that in mind, here are the best strategies for increasing employee engagement in 2022.
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Steps in Conducting Employee Surveys

If you're planning an employee survey, here are the steps you need to take to get the most from the survey. In this article, you'll learn how to develop a survey plan, develop survey questions, and secure leadership buy-in. After that, you can proceed to data analysis. The next step is to determine the importance of the results. To do this, you'll need to determine how to communicate them.

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Simple Ways to Predict and Increase Employee Satisfaction and Performance

It’s often said that a business is only as successful as its people. Along with employee retention, improving engagement and productivity in the workplace is now a priority for many companies, helping to ensure growth and success in the long term. But as the nature of our jobs and work environments changes, financial compensation alone won’t be enough to increase happiness and motivation. Now, businesses need to find new ways of improving employee satisfaction and performance, and here are some of the best methods for achieving just that:

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5 Ways the Cloud Improves Employee Satisfaction

Your work environment and all of its processes are constantly evolving depending on your industry and emerging innovations. For a few years now, cloud computing has been at the forefront of all those changes, allowing businesses to adapt more quickly and to help their employees thrive. Cloud tech is known for its flexibility, reliability, and ever-growing security. Naturally, brands of all shapes and sizes are doing their best to maximize its use across the board.

However, most companies don’t see beyond the perks that aid the processes themselves, so they delay introducing newer solutions or more advanced tools and protocols. In reality, the cloud primarily benefits the people that use it every day: your employees. The crucial element here is that it’s not enough to just have some cloud solution available, but to actually put it to use properly and strategically.
Understanding the impact cloud technology can have on your teams might serve as the perfect inspiration for implementing more versatile cloud-based options. Here, we’ll tackle a few of the most notable benefits you can expect your employees to experience as soon as you start using your cloud solution to its full potential.
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5 Reasons Why DIY Employee Surveys Are Bad Practice

  I recently came across an article on with an intriguing headline.

Jeff Bezos says 94% of Amazon workers would recommend their job to a friend.

Bullshit, I thought. In over 20 years of surveying employees on their job satisfaction we have never, ever encountered a score anywhere close to that high for that particular question. How on earth could Amazon then? Turns out it's not so rosy as it might appear. The number comes from an internal survey of employees, and Amazon, like many companies these days have decided to conduct the survey themselves in-house. The article goes on to explain it:

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos recently said warehouse employees like working for his company so much that “94% say they would recommend Amazon to a friend as a place to work.” But some of his own employees aren’t buying that statistic.

The 94 percent number was gleaned from an employee survey program at Amazon called Connections, which asks Amazon employees to answer a single question each day before they can start working on their company computer or their warehouse workstation. Bezos cited the stat in mid-April in his final letter to shareholders as Amazon’s CEO.

But in interviews with Recode over the past two weeks, a half-dozen Amazon employees and managers, two of whom are familiar with the inner workings of the Connections program, said that many Amazon employees have widespread concerns about the Connections program and the accuracy of its data and insights.

There's a simple explanantion why Amazon employees have concerns. If this survey is being conducted by in-house HR, then it's not anonymous. And if workers believe they are being tracked and their responses are monitored by HR they simply will not be honest. As I wrote in a LinkedIn post a few years ago, anonymity is critical for the success of any  kind of employee feedback system. That's still true today, even with the proliferation of DIY survey tools out there, using a trusted 3rd party to conduct your employee survey is the only way to guarantee that you are getting accurate data.


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Insightlink Communications are experts in employee survey design, data collection and analysis. Since 2001 we've helped companies of all sizes measure and improve their employee satisfaction and engagement.

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Engaged Employees Blog

HR ToolKit Guide to Employee Surveys
Good info on how to write surveys

Insightlink 360
Makes 360 assessment surveys easy.